Full-Stack Observability by Cisco
In a growing app-first world, observability is the key to identifying problems and taking action quickly across the stack.
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In Retail
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NRF Retail Converge 2021 | Big Ideas Session | Kiva and Cisco: Creating Inclusive, Equitable Opportunities in Retail and Beyond
Join Kiva and Cisco as they share inspiring, retail social impact stories, discuss how Kiva is mobilizing a world vision where all people have the power to improve their lives, and how a partnership with Cisco is driving this inclusive future.
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Trust in Retail
Trust is the new differentiator in retail and is a competitive tool to win over digital markets. Cisco’s solutions for retail provide the means by which retailers gain and keep consumers trust.
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Enhancing the Associate Experience in Retail
Digital technology is transforming the retail associate experience in store and out, leading to increased productivity, greater engagement and better experiences for customers.
Play video Meraki Case Study: Tarbell Management Group
Meraki Case Study: Tarbell Management Group
Tarbell Management Group is an essential part of the local community in Akwesasne, located in upstate New York, providing much-needed services such as convenience shops, restaurants, hotels, gas stations, and more.
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Tarbell Management Group
Tarbell Management Group is using Cisco Meraki to get ahead of climate control challenges with environmental monitoring.
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Cisco for Retail
Cisco for retail. Complete solutions for a digital world—where the customer still comes first.